Men's Navy Overcoat, Navy Turtleneck, Blue Jeans, Grey Canvas High Top Sneakers

Men's Navy Overcoat, Navy Turtleneck, Blue Jeans, Grey Canvas High Top Sneakers

You'll be amazed at how super easy it is for any man to get dressed like this. Just a navy overcoat and blue jeans. Introduce a pair of grey canvas high top sneakers to the equation to add a touch of stylish nonchalance to this outfit.

Navy Overcoat Navy Overcoat Navy Turtleneck Navy Turtleneck Blue Jeans Blue Jeans Grey Canvas High Top Sneakers Grey Canvas High Top Sneakers Light Blue Beanie Light Blue Beanie Black Socks Black Socks

Blue Jeans Pants Outfits For Men Jeans Outfits For Men

This off-duty combination of a navy turtleneck and blue jeans is ideal if you need to go about your day with confidence in your look. Want to play it down on the shoe front? Introduce a pair of grey canvas high top sneakers to this outfit for the day.

Grey Canvas High Top Sneakers Sneakers Outfits For Men High Top Sneakers Outfits For Men

To don a laid-back ensemble with a twist, pair a navy turtleneck with blue jeans. Give a more relaxed twist to an otherwise dressy outfit by slipping into grey canvas high top sneakers.

Light Blue Beanie Beanie Outfits For Men

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