Shorts from Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Orlebar Brown Bulldog Hulton Slim Swim Shorts $216 $309 Vilebrequin Printed Swim Trunks $479 Orlebar Brown Bulldog Swim Shorts $169 Orlebar Brown Bulldog Swim Trunks $169 Orlebar Brown Setter Swim Trunks $169 Orlebar Brown Slim Swim Trunks $169 Vilebrequin Mistral Swim Trunks $459 Orlebar Brown Setter Swim Trunks $169 Orlebar Brown Setter Swim Trunks $169 Vilebrequin Printed Swim Trunks $160 $229 Vilebrequin Merise Swim Trunks $239 Orlebar Brown Bulldog Printed Swim Trunks $185 $309