Men's Teal Sweatshirt, Khaki Chinos, Black and White Canvas Low Top Sneakers, Charcoal Socks

Men's Teal Sweatshirt, Khaki Chinos, Black and White Canvas Low Top Sneakers, Charcoal Socks

This combination of a teal sweatshirt and khaki chinos brings comfort and practicality and helps keep it low-key yet trendy. Black and white canvas low top sneakers act as the glue that will pull your ensemble together.

Teal Sweatshirt Teal Sweatshirt Khaki Chinos Khaki Chinos Black and White Canvas Low Top Sneakers Black and White Canvas Low Top Sneakers Charcoal Socks Charcoal Socks

Teal Sweatshirt Sweater Outfits For Men Sweatshirt Outfits For Men

Why not choose a teal sweatshirt and khaki chinos? As well as super functional, these items look amazing teamed together. Our favorite of a variety of ways to finish this ensemble is black and white canvas low top sneakers.

Khaki Chinos Pants Outfits For Men Chinos Outfits

The mix-and-match capabilities of a teal sweatshirt and khaki chinos ensure you'll always have them on constant rotation in your closet. Add a pair of black and white canvas low top sneakers to this ensemble to pull your full look together.

Black and White Canvas Low Top Sneakers Sneakers Outfits For Men Low Top Sneakers Outfits For Men

Why not choose a teal sweatshirt and khaki chinos? These items are totally functional and will look awesome when worn together. Our favorite of a variety of ways to finish off this ensemble is a pair of black and white canvas low top sneakers.

Charcoal Socks Socks Outfits For Men