Men's Navy Blazer, White Dress Shirt, Beige Dress Pants, Dark Brown Leather Loafers

Men's Navy Blazer, White Dress Shirt, Beige Dress Pants, Dark Brown Leather Loafers

Consider teaming a navy blazer with beige dress pants and you're guaranteed to make a bold statement. When in doubt as to what to wear on the footwear front, stick to dark brown leather loafers.

Navy Blazer Navy Blazer White Dress Shirt White Dress Shirt Beige Dress Pants Beige Dress Pants Dark Brown Leather Loafers Dark Brown Leather Loafers Red Tie Red Tie White Pocket Square White Pocket Square Dark Brown Leather Belt Dark Brown Leather Belt

White Dress Shirt Shirt Outfits For Men Dress Shirt Outfits For Men

We love how this combo of a navy blazer and a white dress shirt immediately makes a man look smart and sophisticated. Finish off with a pair of dark brown leather loafers and you're all done and looking awesome.

Beige Dress Pants Pants Outfits For Men Dress Pants Outfits For Men

To look like a true gentleman with a good deal of style, pair a white dress shirt with beige dress pants. Add dark brown leather loafers to the equation to instantly ramp up the fashion factor of this ensemble.

Dark Brown Leather Loafers Dress Shoes Outfits For Men Loafers Outfits For Men

A white dress shirt and beige dress pants are absolute wardrobe heroes if you're piecing together a sophisticated wardrobe that holds to the highest sartorial standards. Feeling adventerous today? Shake things up by finishing off with dark brown leather loafers.

Red Tie Tie Outfits For Men

White Pocket Square Pocket Square Outfits

Dark Brown Leather Belt Belt Outfits For Men