Men's Navy Plaid Blazer, Light Blue Dress Shirt, Navy Chinos, Black Suede Loafers


Men's Navy Plaid Blazer, Light Blue Dress Shirt, Navy Chinos, Black Suede Loafers

A navy plaid blazer and navy chinos are an easy way to infuse a sense of manly sophistication into your casual styling collection. If you need to instantly up this outfit with a pair of shoes, add a pair of black suede loafers to the equation.

Navy Plaid Blazer Navy Plaid Blazer Light Blue Dress Shirt Light Blue Dress Shirt Navy Chinos Navy Chinos Black Suede Loafers Black Suede Loafers Navy Horizontal Striped Tie Navy Horizontal Striped Tie Teal Pocket Square Teal Pocket Square Black Socks Black Socks

Light Blue Dress Shirt Shirt Outfits For Men Dress Shirt Outfits For Men

Team a navy plaid blazer with a light blue dress shirt for extra stylish style. You know how to lift up this ensemble: black suede loafers.

Black Suede Loafers Dress Shoes Outfits For Men Loafers Outfits For Men

Opt for a light blue dress shirt and navy chinos if you're going for a neat, sharp ensemble. To give your overall ensemble a more refined touch, add a pair of black suede loafers to the equation.

Teal Pocket Square Pocket Square Outfits

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