Men's White Polo Neck Sweater, White Sports Shorts, White and Navy Athletic Shoes, White Bucket Hat

Men's White Polo Neck Sweater, White Sports Shorts, White and Navy Athletic Shoes, White Bucket Hat

Extra dapper and comfortable, this relaxed pairing of a white polo neck sweater and white sports shorts will provide you with wonderful styling opportunities. Kick up the appeal of your look by slipping into white and navy athletic shoes.

White Polo Neck Sweater White Polo Neck Sweater White Sports Shorts White Sports Shorts White and Navy Athletic Shoes White and Navy Athletic Shoes White Bucket Hat White Bucket Hat White Socks White Socks

White Polo Neck Sweater Sweater Outfits For Men Polo Neck Sweater Outfits For Men

For something more on the cool and casual side, pair a white polo neck sweater with white sports shorts. For times when this getup looks too dressy, dial it down with a pair of white and navy athletic shoes.

White Sports Shorts Shorts Outfits For Men Sports Shorts Outfits For Men

A white polo neck sweater and white sports shorts are great menswear essentials that will integrate really well within your day-to-day collection. Ramp up the cool of this outfit by wearing a pair of white and navy athletic shoes.

White and Navy Athletic Shoes Sneakers Outfits For Men Athletic Shoes Outfits For Men

Rock a white polo neck sweater with white sports shorts if you seek to look laid-back and cool without spending too much time. A pair of white and navy athletic shoes effortlessly bumps up the cool of your look.

White Bucket Hat Bucket Hat Outfits For Men

White Socks Socks Outfits For Men