Leather Sneakers by Diesel Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Diesel S Nentish Low Top Sneakers $212 Diesel Exposure Low Sneakers $80 $163 Diesel V Staffetta S Fleett Sneakers $100 $125 Diesel Exposure Low Sneakers $80 $163 Diesel D String Low Sneakers $91 $182 Diesel Marquise Low Top Sneakers $102 $205 Diesel S Studdzy Lace Sneakers $75 $125 Diesel S Voyage Sneakers $170 Diesel V Stitch Sneakers $125 Diesel S Nentish Low Sneakers $216 Diesel S Studdzy Lace Sneakers $114 Diesel V Stitch Sneakers $122 $153