Leather Sneakers by Diesel Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Diesel Naptik Sneakers $181 Diesel Exposure Low Sneakers $157 Diesel Spiked Graffiti Leather Sneakers $227 Diesel S Kwaartzz Fashion Sneaker $43 $182 Diesel S Kwaartzz Fashion Sneaker $43 $182 Diesel D Velows D String Plus Mono Fashion Sneaker $175 Diesel D Velows D String Plus Mono Fashion Sneaker $175 Diesel Prison Wanted Fashion Sneaker $64 $65 Diesel Prison Wanted Fashion Sneaker $64 $65 Diesel D Velows D String Low Fashion Sneaker $140 Diesel Dyneckt Naptik Leather Sneakers $130 Diesel D Velows D String Sneaker $108 $175