Women's Blue Denim Vest, White Tank, Red Denim Shorts, White Leather Crossbody Bag

Wendy's Care to Wear


Women's Blue Denim Vest, White Tank, Red Denim Shorts, White Leather Crossbody Bag

If you're hunting for a casual and at the same time stylish getup, reach for a blue denim vest and red denim shorts.

Blue Denim Vest Blue Denim Vest White Tank White Tank Red Denim Shorts Red Denim Shorts White Leather Crossbody Bag White Leather Crossbody Bag

White Tank T-shirt Outfits For Women Tank Outfits For Women

Parade your sartorial prowess by pairing a blue denim vest and a white tank for an off-duty outfit.

Red Denim Shorts Shorts Outfits For Women

A blue denim vest and red denim shorts worn together are such a dreamy outfit for girls who love relaxed styles.

White Leather Crossbody Bag Bag Outfits For Women Crossbody Bag Outfits