Parker Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress

Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress

Yellow Floral Midi Dress by Parker

Buy for $398 from Nordstrom

How to wear Parker Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress

Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress

Dress in a Parker Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress from Nordstrom for both chic and easy-to-wear outfit. Clueless about how to finish off? Introduce beige leather heeled sandals to your outfit to rev up the wow factor.

Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress

Breathe style into your day-to-day casual arsenal with a Parker yellow floral midi dress. For something more on the elegant side to finish off your getup, introduce a pair of brown leather ankle boots to the mix.

Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress

If the situation permits a casual getup, choose a Parker Sleeveless Floral Print Midi Dress from Nordstrom. Go off the beaten track and change up your outfit by rocking a pair of beige leather heeled sandals.