Ties from Lands' End Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Classic Silk Knit Necktie Whitexl $79 Classic Wide Stripe Necktie Dark Bay Blue Plaidxxl $54 Classic Silk Knit Necktie Whitexl $79 Lands' End Dress Code Double Stripe Tie $18 Lands' End Holiday Silk Wool Triple Stripe Necktie $49 Lands' End Solid Silk Repp Necktie Rich Red $49 Lands' End Long Wide Stripe Necktie Dark Sapphireburgundy $54 Lands' End Long Solid Silk Repp Necktie Rich Red $54 Lands' End Long Silk Wool Necktie $54 Lands' End Silk Churchill Dot Necktie Laguna Teal $22 $49 Lands' End Long Solid Silk Repp Necktie Rich Red $54 Lands' End Long Narrow Silk Knit Necktie $64