Sweaters by Amiri Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Amiri Space Dye Bandana Polo Shirt $990 Free US Shipping! Amiri Space Dye Bandana Polo Shirt $990 Free US Shipping! Amiri Spray Painted Hoodie $728 Amiri Zipped Hoodie $875 Amiri Black Chemist Hoodie $2,150 Amiri Black Cotton Sweatshirt $750 Amiri Black Cotton Sweatshirt $790 Amiri Khaki Cotton Sweatshirt $650 Amiri Green Rum Label Sweater $690 Amiri Blue Cotton Sweatshirt $690 Amiri Orange Cotton Sweatshirt $950 Amiri Black Cotton Sweatshirt $750