Suede Shoes for Men Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Prada Moccasins $319 No Brand Leah Moccasins $186 Santoni Loafers $530 Messagerie Moccasins $197 Richmond Moccasins $354 No Brand Andrea Ventura Firenze Loafers $304 Santoni Loafers $364 Bruno Magli Loafers $301 Giorgio Armani Loafers $455 Bottega Veneta Intrecciato Tasselled Suede Loafers $581 H By Hudson Brown Suede Pierre Loafers $230 Grenson Grayson Suede Tassel Loafers $130 $218