Shirts by A.P.C. Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high A.P.C. Striped Cotton Shirt $143 $220 A.P.C. Two Pocket Corduroy Shirt $246 A.P.C. Checked Long Sleeve Shirt $205 $209 A.P.C. Checked Long Sleeve Shirt $273 $390 A.P.C. Buttoned Up Checked Shirt $223 $255 A.P.C. Checked Wool Blend Shirt $263 A.P.C. Corduroy Cotton Shirt $321 A.P.C. Striped Cotton Shirt $117 $234 A.P.C. Stripe Print Shirt $115 $192 A.P.C. Black Classic Shirt $230 A.P.C. Check Print Shirt $259 A.P.C. Check Print Shirt $207 $290