Ripped Skinny Jeans for Men Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Dr. Denim Dr Denim Clark Light Stone Destroyed Ripped Knee Slim Jeans $28 ASOS DESIGN Asos Tall Super Skinny Jeans With Knee Abrasions In Bleach Blue $18 Brooklyn Supply Co. Brooklyn Supply Co Skinny Jeans With Burn Abrasions In Light Wash $25 ASOS DESIGN Super Skinny Jeans Bleach Wash Blue With Heavy Rips $50 ASOS DESIGN Tall Super Skinny Jeans In Mid Wash Vintage Blue With Abrasions $37 ASOS DESIGN Super Skinny Jeans In Mid Wash Blue With Rips $19 $22 YOURTURN Straight Jeans In Mid Blue With Rips $13 YOURTURN Super Skinny Jeans In Mid Blue With Rips $32 ASOS DESIGN Asos Skinny Twisted Seam Jeans In Light Wash Blue With Abrasions $11 Pier One Slim Fit Jeans In Light Blue With Rips Denim $35 Criminal Damage Skinny Jeans In Ice Wash $17 $44 ASOS DESIGN Asos Skinny Jeans In Mid Wash With Chevron Print And Rips $30