Plaid Ties for Men Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high No Brand Nordstrom Shop Plaid Silk Tie $49 Tommy Hilfiger Mad Plaid Tie $65 Brooks Brothers Check Tie $125 No Brand 1901 Woven Silk Cotton Tie $39 Original Penguin Woven Cotton Blend Tie $39 Merona Tie Red Plaid $9 No Brand Wembley Holiday Plaid Tie $28 Penguin Walken Plaid Skinny Tie $55 Tasso Elba Padua Plaid Tie $59 Nautica Twill Jubilee Plaid Tie $55 Buffalo English Plaid Tie $59 No Brand 1901 Dante Plaid Silk Tie $39