Pants by Diesel Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Diesel Buster Slim Straight Leg Jeans $118 $198 Diesel Thommer Slim Fit Jeans $208 Diesel Larkee Relaxed Fit Jeans $198 Diesel Zatiny Bootcut Jeans $198 Diesel Larkee Relaxed Fit Jeans $178 Diesel Zatiny Bootcut Jeans $178 Diesel Zatiny Bootcut Jeans 069bg $98 $198 Diesel Thommer Slim Fit Jeans $278 Diesel Thommer Slim Fit Jeans $132 $198 Diesel Krooley Skinny Slouchy Fit Jeans $248 Diesel Buster Slim Straight Leg Jeans $198 Diesel Larkee Relaxed Fit Jeans $178