Olive Harrington Jackets by Stone Island Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Stone Island Green Over Shirt Jacket $775 Free US Shipping! Stone Island Khaki Stretch 5l Jacket $648 $925 Stone Island Khaki Compass Patch Jacket $815 Stone Island Green Faded Jacket $495 Stone Island Beige Nylon Metal Watro Jacket $476 $680 Stone Island Compass Patch Crinkled Zip Up Overshirt $545 Stone Island Logo Patch Cargo Pocket Overshirt $685 Stone Island Khaki Naslan Light Watro Jacket $266 $665 Stone Island Single Pocket Overshirt $380 Stone Island Green Cotton Canvas Brushed Overshirt Jacket $440 Stone Island Green Cotton Textured Brushed Recycled Overshirt Jacket $450 Stone Island Khaki Gart Dyed Overshirt $375