Navy Floral Shirts from Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Paul Smith Floral Pattern Shirt $191 $215 Stella McCartney Textured Button Shirt $610 Xacus Floral Print Short Sleeved Shirt $111 $159 Orian Floral Print Shirt $144 $240 Paul Smith Floral Print Shirt $243 $270 VERSACE JEANS CO... Graphic Print Long Sleeve Shirt $395 $527 Etro Floral Print Shirt $252 $630 Etro Floral Print Cotton Shirt $460 Xacus Floral Print Button Up Shirt $158 $186 Soulland Floral Print Shirt $234 Corridor Indigo Handblock Summer Shirt $80 $160 Laneus Floral Print Short Sleeve Shirt $178 $274