Men's White Crew-neck T-shirt, Navy and White Print Sports Shorts, Olive Suede Sandals, Black Bandana

Men's White Crew-neck T-shirt, Navy and White Print Sports Shorts, Olive Suede Sandals, Black Bandana

A white crew-neck t-shirt and navy and white print sports shorts are essential in any modern gent's great casual sartorial arsenal. Feel uninspired with this look? Invite olive suede sandals to change things up a bit.

White Crew-neck T-shirt White Crew-neck T-shirt Navy and White Print Sports Shorts Navy and White Print Sports Shorts Olive Suede Sandals Olive Suede Sandals Black Bandana Black Bandana Brown Woven Leather Bracelet Brown Woven Leather Bracelet Yellow Socks Yellow Socks

White Crew-neck T-shirt T-shirt Outfits For Men Crew-neck T-shirt Outfits For Men

A white crew-neck t-shirt looks so cool and casual when teamed with navy and white print sports shorts. Infuse a laid-back feel into your ensemble by finishing off with a pair of olive suede sandals.

Olive Suede Sandals Sandals Outfits For Men

To achieve a casual look with a city style take, consider pairing a white crew-neck t-shirt with navy and white print sports shorts. Complete this outfit with a pair of olive suede sandals to keep the outfit fresh.

Black Bandana Bandana Outfits For Men

Yellow Socks Socks Outfits For Men