Gay Talese wearing Navy Double Breasted Blazer, Red Vertical Striped Dress Shirt, Beige Wool Hat, Yellow Tie

Gay Talese

Gay Talese wearing Navy Double Breasted Blazer, Red Vertical Striped Dress Shirt, Beige Wool Hat, Yellow Tie

You'll be amazed at how super easy it is to get dressed this way. Just a navy double breasted blazer worn with a red vertical striped dress shirt.

Navy Double Breasted Blazer Navy Double Breasted Blazer Red Vertical Striped Dress Shirt Red Vertical Striped Dress Shirt Beige Wool Hat Beige Wool Hat Yellow Tie Yellow Tie Red Pocket Square Red Pocket Square

Red Vertical Striped Dress Shirt Shirt Outfits For Men Dress Shirt Outfits For Men

Putting together a navy double breasted blazer with a red vertical striped dress shirt is an amazing choice for a sharp and elegant look.

Beige Wool Hat Hat Outfits For Men

Yellow Tie Tie Outfits For Men

Red Pocket Square Pocket Square Outfits