Men's Burgundy Blazer, White Dress Shirt, Black Dress Pants, Black Leather Loafers

Men's Burgundy Blazer, White Dress Shirt, Black Dress Pants, Black Leather Loafers

This combo of a burgundy blazer and a white dress shirt is a safe option when you need to look really sharp.

Burgundy Blazer Burgundy Blazer White Dress Shirt White Dress Shirt Black Dress Pants Black Dress Pants Black Leather Loafers Black Leather Loafers Navy Tie Navy Tie White Pocket Square White Pocket Square Charcoal Socks Charcoal Socks

Burgundy Blazer Jacket Outfits For Men Blazer Outfits For Men

When it comes to high-octane polish, this combo of a burgundy blazer and a white dress shirt doesn't disappoint. This ensemble is completed really well with black leather loafers.

White Dress Shirt Shirt Outfits For Men Dress Shirt Outfits For Men

This combo of a burgundy blazer and a white dress shirt will add masculine essence to your ensemble. For maximum impact, add a pair of black leather loafers to your outfit.

Black Dress Pants Pants Outfits For Men Dress Pants Outfits For Men

Dress in a white dress shirt and black dress pants if you're aiming for a clean, sharp look. Unimpressed with this look? Let a pair of black leather loafers spice things up.

Black Leather Loafers Dress Shoes Outfits For Men Loafers Outfits For Men

Wear a white dress shirt and black dress pants for a neat sophisticated getup. Go down a more casual route on the shoe front by rocking black leather loafers.

White Pocket Square Pocket Square Outfits

Charcoal Socks Socks Outfits For Men