Men's Beige Cotton Blazer, Teal Polo Neck Sweater, Beige Shorts, White Canvas Low Top Sneakers

Men's Beige Cotton Blazer, Teal Polo Neck Sweater, Beige Shorts, White Canvas Low Top Sneakers

Go for something effortlessly smart yet timeless in a beige cotton blazer and beige shorts. And if you wish to instantly dial down this getup with one single item, why not introduce white canvas low top sneakers to the equation?

Beige Cotton Blazer Beige Cotton Blazer Teal Polo Neck Sweater Teal Polo Neck Sweater Beige Shorts Beige Shorts White Canvas Low Top Sneakers White Canvas Low Top Sneakers

Beige Cotton Blazer Jacket Outfits For Men Blazer Outfits For Men

You'll be surprised at how easy it is to get dressed this way. Just a beige cotton blazer and a teal polo neck sweater. Complement your outfit with white canvas low top sneakers to easily bump up the appeal of this look.

Teal Polo Neck Sweater Sweater Outfits For Men Polo Neck Sweater Outfits For Men

Channel your inner Kingsman agent and try pairing a beige cotton blazer with a teal polo neck sweater. Finishing with a pair of white canvas low top sneakers is a simple way to inject an element of stylish casualness into your ensemble.

Beige Shorts Shorts Outfits For Men

A teal polo neck sweater and beige shorts married together are the perfect getup for men who love classy styles. Switch up your look by rocking a pair of white canvas low top sneakers.

White Canvas Low Top Sneakers Sneakers Outfits For Men Low Top Sneakers Outfits For Men

Teaming a teal polo neck sweater and beige shorts is a surefire way to infuse your wardrobe with some laid-back elegance. Add white canvas low top sneakers to the equation to keep the ensemble fresh.