Linen Long Sleeve Shirts by Tintoria Mattei Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Tintoria Mattei Banded Collar Linen Shirt $71 $143 Tintoria Mattei Band Collar Linen Shirt $86 $123 Tintoria Mattei Cutaway Collar Button Up Shirt $86 $99 Tintoria Mattei Two Tone Long Sleeve Shirt $102 Tintoria Mattei Striped Long Sleeve Shirt $104 $106 Tintoria Mattei Button Down Shirt $117 $174 Tintoria Mattei Button Down Shirt $174 Tintoria Mattei Button Down Shirt $174 Tintoria Mattei Stripe Print Shirt $174 Tintoria Mattei Button Down Shirt $174 Tintoria Mattei Chenille Texture Band Collar Shirt $110 $157 Tintoria Mattei Chenille Texture Band Collar Shirt $94 $157