Light Blue Shirts from Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Anglozine Feather Print Zip Up Shirt $121 $242 Ami Paris Logo Embroidered Button Down Shirt $165 $275 Balenciaga Double Sleeve Shirt $595 $1,190 Balmain Striped Logo Print Shirt $455 $650 Polo Ralph Lauren Striped Poplin Shirt $126 $157 Etro Floral Print Patchwork Shirt $270 $450 Barba Striped Spread Collar Shirt $133 $222 Brioni Check Print Cotton Shirt $502 $659 Massimo Alba Striped Print Cotton Shirt $219 $292 Boramy Viguier Victorian Stripe Pattern Shirt $227 $757 Filippa K M Tim Striped Shirt $132 $165 Balenciaga Pinstriped Hooded Cocoon Shirt $595 $850