Leather Belts by VERSACE JEANS COUTURE Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high VERSACE JEANS CO... Black Logo Belt $200 VERSACE JEANS CO... Logo Plaque Leather Belt $77 $91 VERSACE JEANS CO... Logo Buckle Fastening Belt $93 $133 VERSACE JEANS CO... Logo Plaque Detail Belt $112 $132 VERSACE JEANS CO... Logo Plaque Detail Buckle Belt $113 VERSACE JEANS CO... Black Couture1 Belt $200 VERSACE JEANS CO... Logo Plaque Leather Belt $116 $167 VERSACE JEANS CO... Embossed Logo Leather Belt $112 $132 VERSACE JEANS CO... Decorative Buckle Leather Belt $104 $139 VERSACE JEANS CO... Logo Lettering Belt $157 $185 VERSACE JEANS CO... Logo Lettering Belt $70 $175 VERSACE JEANS CO... Black Baroque Belt $175