Leather Bags by Burberry Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Burberry Check Zip Pouch $1,090 Burberry Black Monogram Zip Pouch $830 Burberry Yellow Icon Stripe Laurie Zip Pouch $690 Burberry Red Horseferry Print Zip Pouch $690 Burberry Black Horseferry Print Zip Pouch $690 Burberry Clutch $618 Burberry Leather Zip Pouch $355 $710 Burberry London Check Zip Pouch $590 Burberry Monogram Leather Zip Pouch $750 Burberry Clutch $566 Burberry Leather Tb Monogram Pouch Bag $618 Burberry Horseferry Print Leather Zip Pouch $730