Why not reach for a grey crew-neck sweater and a polo? As well as super practical, both of these items look good when married together. Brown suede desert boots are a stylish addition for your look.
Why not reach for a grey crew-neck sweater and a polo? As well as super practical, both of these items look good when married together. Brown suede desert boots are a stylish addition for your look.
This pairing of a grey crew-neck sweater and a polo spells casual cool and stylish practicality. Grey canvas low top sneakers will be a welcome accompaniment for this ensemble.
A grey crew-neck sweater and a polo make for the perfect base for a cool and casual outfit. Add a pair of white leather low top sneakers to the equation et voila, this outfit is complete.
A grey crew-neck sweater and a polo make for the ultimate casual style for any modern gentleman.
When the setting permits a casual getup, go for a grey crew-neck sweater and a polo. And it's amazing how black leather tassel loafers can transform an outfit.