Dress Shoes for Men Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Common Projects Lug Sole Derby $437 $625 Ben Sherman Birk Plain Toe Derby $95 Johnston & Murphy Holden Plain Toe Derby $62 $139 Rockport Xcs Plain Toe Derby $125 Rockport Xcs Plain Toe Derby $125 Zanzara Bowie Plain Toe Derby $210 Zanzara Bowie Plain Toe Derby $210 Ami Paris Oxford Lace Up Shoes $278 $556 Fratelli Rossetti Leather Derby Shoes $273 $390 Kenzo Black K Mount Derbys $490 Marsèll Black Gomme Sancrispa Alta Derbys $695 Marsèll Black Zuccone Derbys $1,190