Dark Brown Leather Dress Shoes by Salvatore Ferragamo Add to WardrobeRemove from Wardrobe FavoriteUnfavorite Shop It Outfits Sort by featured Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to high Salvatore Ferragamo Brogued Oxfords $740 Salvatore Ferragamo Tassel Loafers $518 Salvatore Ferragamo Gancini Loafers $832 Salvatore Ferragamo Grandioso Bit Loafer $575 Salvatore Ferragamo Gancini Block Heel Oxford Shoes $298 $595 Salvatore Ferragamo Riley Pebbled Cap Toe Oxford $695 Salvatore Ferragamo Dark Brown Leather Reyes Penny Loafers $660 Salvatore Ferragamo Crown Bit Loafer $660 Salvatore Ferragamo Scarlet Bit Loafer $278 $695 Salvatore Ferragamo Lace Up Oxford Shoes $655 $1,432 Salvatore Ferragamo Simply Bit Loafer $560 Salvatore Ferragamo Master Loafer $560